It’s time for the 10th Latvian Open Air Amateur Theater Festival “Vezums”
This year, 16 groups from different parts of Latvia participated in the Amateur Theater Festival. Theater performers from Madona, Riga, Limbaži, Kārsava, Viļaka, Valmiera, Rundāle, Jelgava, Lielvārde and Ludza counties had come to show their skills. The largest number of participants came from Bauska, they were represented at the festival by three groups.
The opening of the festival “Vezums” took place on August 29, at 10.00 with a parade of the participants of the festival, led by the head of Ludza municipality Edgars Mekšs. E. Mekšs greeted all the participants of the festival and wished them good luck, while hoping the audience will have a lot of positive emotions. The participants of the festival were also addressed by its organizers – Ligita Valijeva and Biruta Jermaka. The performances were evaluated by a competent jury: Aina Matīsa, Associate Professor of the Latvian Academy of Culture, Haralds Ulmanis, a specialist in Latvian amateur theater, and Māra Liniņa, a stage speech teacher.
After the introduction, the audience was able to enjoy sixteen performances of different genres that took place over two days. The Salnava Amateur Theater was the first to perform with J. Ļubka’s play “Peļimona i kolkhozs”.
The event was organized by Ludza municipality in cooperation with the association “Suprātka” and the support of the State Cultural Capital Fund, Latgale Region Development Agency and Latvian State Forests Corporation.