In Animal Kingdom
Program name: „In Animal kingdom”
Target audience of the program: pre-school and primary school students.
Duration of the program: 45 min.
Number of program participants: up to 25 people.
Head of the program appears in the role of Forest Mother. Under the guidance of the Forest Mother, the program participants will be introduced with the exhibits of the Nature Department on themes “Human Housing and Garden”, “Forest”, “Meadow”, “Swamp”, “Lake”.
In order to create a dialogue between the head of the program and the participants, to activate the children’s attention, to develop the children’s logical thinking, to prepare them for the acquisition of new knowledge, folk songs, puzzles, various interactive tasks are used.
Objectives of the program:
- academic: to give an idea of Latvian wildlife and their lifestyle;
- social: to develop communicative abilities of children (to work in groups, to express their opinions, to listen to others).
Program tasks:
- to introduce with the wild animals represented at the Nature Exhibit on the following topics: “Human Housing and Garden”, “Forest”, “Meadow”, “Swamp”, “Lake”;
- to create a general image of the place and way of life of wild animals using folklore and literary works;
- to create a general image of animals by using finger games;
- to develop children’s sensory abilities through finger games;
- to arouse humane attitude towards animals in children;
- to encourage the desire to study and protect animals.
Materials and equipment: Forest Mother costume, "Find A Friend" game cards, Article of gratitude.