Open-air and ethnography department
In 1957, the foundations of the open-air and ethnographic department with rural construction objects were laid in the territory of the museum: a smoke-house (built in the first quarter of the 19 th century, transferred from the Bobiši village of Ludza district), a farmer’s dwelling house (built in the 2 nd quarter of 19th century, in 1957 transferred from Ludza district’s Cibla municipality’s Voloja village), a windmill (built in 1891, transferred from Ludza district’s Baris village in 1959), drying-house (built in 1927, transferred from Ludza district’s Šmatu village) and P.Vilcāns ceramics workshop (transported from the Preiļi district’s Gailiši village’s Dūbe place in 1976). However, the tourists focus on one of the most unique exhibits of the museum – diesel-driven engine “Lanz”.