Night of Museums 2018
Night of Museums is a traditional European cultural event when for one night in May museums opens their doors and offer special programmes to participate in them for free. The tradition began in France in 1999. This year, the year of Latvia’s 100 years jubelee, the Night’s themes are Cradle and Birth, which is a part of the country’s 100 years long story. It began in 2017 and will continue until 2021.
Every nation’s history begins with a cradle. Foundig of any country and the meaning of its existence is held in taking care for the cradles of a family and the nation. During the Night of Museums we celebrate those who create cradles, protects them and rocks them!
In May 19 2018 an event took place under the motto of ‘Let’s rock our good mood!’ The charge of positive energy was provided by the band ‘Dobranoch’ from St. Petersburg.
The band played traditional ethnic Jewish, Gypsy and Balcan music. The band was formed in 1998 in France where a group of friens went in search of inspiration. After many years of travelling abroad, the band decided to return home to find new members and new sound. Lead by Dmitry Harmtsov, the band has been playing for 15 years. The band members live in differenc cities and even countries: In Russia and in USA. The band’s repertoire is based on the deep understanding of traditions, rich travel experience and communication with many musicions from different countries. The band has played in 20 countries and has recorded 7 albums.
The event continued with A. Alunāns’ play “Self-taught” performed by Isnauda amateur theater. Director – Eleonore Obrumane. The audience met the actors warmly and followed the plot with sincere interest.
In one of the Open-air exhibition obects, “A Farmer’s House”, Ludza city library workers had organised creative workshops, aimed to tell about a cradle, its meaning and influence on a baby. Children with interest read fairy tales in an improvised dream tent and made dream catchers. The kids were especialy fascinated with catching summer bugs in the company of a spider.
With Ludza Art school teacher children aslo had made beautiful cradle decorations. Popular was also a workshop about painting and decorating rocks.
To conclude the event, exposition curator V. Dzevaltovsky opened the exhibiotion ‘Printed in Ludza’ that tells about print history in Ludza from the early 20th century and until nowadays. The visitors could take a look at the books, posters and newspapers printed in Ludza, as well as printing technology.
During the Night on Museums everyone could have a great time and rock their good mood!
- Pasākumu “Muzeju nakts” atklāja V.Dzevaltovskis
- Uzstājas muzikālā grupa “Dobranoč”
- Grupas ” Dobranoč” mākslinieciskais vadītājs D.Hramcovs
- Pasākuma “Muzeju nakts” dalībnieki
- Koncerts sagādāja skatītājiem daudz pozitīvu emociju
- Ludzānieši koncerta laikā
- Mazie apmeklētāji iešūpo labu noskaņojumu
- Pasākumā uzstājās Isnaudas amatierteātris ar izrādi “Pašu audzināts” pēc Ā.Alunāna lugas motīviem, režisore E.Obrumāne
- Izrādes “Pašu audzināts” laikā, V.Žulina un J.Žuks
- Izrādes “Pašu audzināts” laikā
- Izrādes “Pašu audzināts” laikā
- Lielu interesi jaunāko apmeklētāju vidū izraisīja akmeņu krāsošanas darbnīca, kuru vadīja Rēzeknes novada iedzīvotāja Valentīna Svarinska
- Brīvdabas un etnogrāfijas nodaļas objektā “Jaunsaimnieka māja” Ludzas pilsētas galvenās bibliotēkas darbinieces V.Vasilovska, N.Pozdņaka, I.Kaupuža, T.Loginova, I.Andžane, I.Novika un T.Kosnikovska vadīja radošās darbnīcas
- Bērni ar prieku lasīja vakara pasaciņas stilizētā sapņu teltī, kopā ar vecākiem iesaistījās radošajā sapņu ķērāju darbnīcā
- I.Kaupuža aicina apmeklētājus iegriezties Sapņu teltī
- Bērni lasīja pasakas Sapņu teltī
- Izstādi “Iespiests Ludzā” atklāja V.Dzevaltovskis
- Ludzānieši ar interesi iepazinās ar izstādes materiāliem