Exhibition ‘About the free homeland’ can be visisited from November 14th

Celebrating Latvian Independence and keeping the holy memory about the participatns of the Latvian War of indepence, Ludza Regional studies museum has created ‘About the free homeland’ exhibition that can be visited from November 14th, 2019.

The opening of the exhibition was held in Ludza art school, where the students were told about the creation of Latvia, its symbols, about the events of the War of independence that took place in Ludza district, as well as about the bravery and the self-sacrficice of the participants of the Latvian War of indepence. The goal of the exhibition – to help the young generation to understand the difficult pages of the Latvian history, to help children become the patriots of their homeland, and to encourage national self-awareness.

The exhibition ‘About the free  homeland’ was created with the  support of the State Culture Capaital Fund, withing the project ‘Latvia turns 100’. During the project, were studied the memorable places of the Latvian War of indepence in Ludza district, were summarised the documents about the events kept in the archives of Ludza Regional studies museum. With the financial support if the State Culture Capaital Fund, were created 5 banners for the exhibition, two clothing sets were orders, imitating a historical uniform of a Latvian soldier of the beginning of the 20th century, as well as a woman’s costume imitation of the beginning of the 20th century, that later will be used for museum pedagogical programmes and museum activities.